Startup Israel – best practice from a global innovation powerhouse

Startup Israel – Argument breeds innovation. We are proud to introduce this second book in English as Skaperkraft continues to extend its passion for positive societal contributions and its reach across Europe.

Following the launch of Startup Europe (2016), Skaperkraft’s International Director Hermund Haaland and co-author Nicolai Strøm-Olsen explore the ecosystem of Israeli startups, also called the “Wadi Valley.”

Meeting some of the movers and shakers in the now called ‘Start-up Nation,’ Israel, the aim of this book is to figure out what European leaders and parents can learn from the most tech-savvy ecosystem for business startups on the planet. Startup Israel tells the story of the importance of innovative culture. 

In short, “Argument breeds innovation:” a strong community can foster entrepreneurship and close proximity in the startup community lets ideas travel with ease. 

We are proud to introduce this second book in English as Skaperkraft continues to extend its passion for positive societal contributionsand its reach across Europe. The book was launched in September 2017 through several events at the Oslo Innovation Week as well as at following events in Europe.

Buy Startup Israel on Amazon here:

Personbilde av Vegard Husabø

Vegard Husabø

Vegard Husabø er påtroppende administrativ leder i Skaperkraft. Han har tidligere vært pris- og kategorisjef i Telia Norge og har jobbet med salg av IT-prosjekter i Capgemini. Han har en …

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