New book from Skaperkraft

Populist movements are changing the face of European politics. «Is God a populist?» looks at their strategies to attract voters by claiming to defend Europe’s Christian heritage.

Populist movements are changing the face of European politics. «Is God a populist?» looks at their strategies to attract voters by claiming to defend Europe’s Christian heritage. It asks bold questions about whether these new populists can be trusted, to whom their Christian messaging appeals, and how Europe’s established parties, the European public and churches should respond.

«This is really a great book, so just buy it and read it! I am definetely going to promote the book among my students.»
Elisabetta Cassina Wolff, Associate Professor, History, University of Oslo.

For more information or to purchase «Is God a Populist?», go here.

Personbilde av Vegard Husabø

Vegard Husabø

Vegard Husabø er påtroppende administrativ leder i Skaperkraft. Han har tidligere vært pris- og kategorisjef i Telia Norge og har jobbet med salg av IT-prosjekter i Capgemini. Han har en …

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